Refereed scientific journal papers

Pulatsu B., Wilson R., Lemos J.V., Mojsilović N.: "external page Exploring the Cyclic Behaviour of URM Walls with and without Damp-Proof Course (DPC) Membranes through Discrete Element Method", Infrastructures, 9, 11, 2024.  

Mojsilović N.: "external page Masonry subjected to semi-cyclic compression: Inelastic response modelling", Construction and Building Materials, 263C, 2020, 120147.

Miraglia G., Petrović M., Abbiati G., Mojsilović N. and Stojadinović B: "external page A Model-Order Reduction Framework for Hybrid Simulation based on Component-Mode Synthesis", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 49 (8), 2020, pp. 737-753.

Mojsilović N., Petrović M. and Stojadinović B.: "external page Multi-layer masonry bed joint subjected to shear: Analytical modelling", Construction and Building Materials, 205C, 2019, pp. 602-610.

Petrović M., Stojadinović B. and Mojsilović N.: "external page I-shaped unreinforced masonry wallettes with a soft layer bed joint: Behaviour under static-cyclic shear", ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143 (11), 2017.

Petrović M., Mojsilović N. and Stojadinović B.: "external page Masonry walls with a multi-layer bed joint subjected to in-plane cyclic loading: An experimental investigation", Engineering Structures, 143C, 2017, pp. 189-203.

Asenov M., Mojsilović N. and Mićić T.: "external page Reliability of masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading: A slip failure along head joints", Mauerwerk, 20 (4), 2016, pp. 271-283.

Mojsilović N. and Salmanpour A.H.: external page "Masonry walls subjected to in-plane cyclic loading: Application of Digital Image Correlation for deformation field measurement", International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2016, pp. 165-187.

Mojsilović N.,  Petrović M. and Anglada X.R.: "external page Masonry elements with multi-layer bed joints: Behaviour under monotonic and static-cyclic shear", Construction and Building Materials, 100, 2015, pp. 149-162.

Salmanpour A.H., Mojsilović N. and Schwartz J.: "external page Displacement capacity of contemporary unreinforced masonry walls: An experimental study", Engineering Structures, 89, 2015, pp. 1-16. 

Vögeli C., Mojsilović N. and Stojadinovic B.: "external page Masonry wallettes with a soft layer bed joint: Behaviour under static-cyclic loading", Engineering Structures, 86, 2015, pp. 16-32. 

Mojsilović N. and Stewart M.G.: "external page Probability and structural reliability assessment of mortar joint thickness in load-bearing masonry walls", Structural Safety, 52, 2015, pp. 209-218. 

Kubica J. and Mojsilović N.: "external page Reinforced masonry in Europe – Working strategy for the preparation of the State of the Art Report / Bewehrtes Mauerwerk in Europa – Arbeitsstrategie für die Erstellung des State-of-the-Art-Reports", Mauerwerk, 18 (3-4), 2014, pp. 222-228.

Mojsilović N., Kostic N. and Schwartz J.: "external page Modelling of the behaviour of seismically strengthened masonry walls subjected to cyclic in-plane shear", Engineering Structures, 56, 2013, pp. 1117-1129.

Salmanpour A.H., Mojsilović N. and Schwartz J.: "external page Deformation capacity of unreinforced masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading: a state-of-the-art review", Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, 5:22, 2013, SpringerOpen.

Konthesingha K.M.C., Masia M.J., Petersen R.B., Mojsilović N., Simundic G. and Page A.W.: "external page Static cyclic in-plane shear response of damaged masonry walls retrofitted with NSM FRP strips – An experimental evaluation", Engineering Structures, 50, 2013, pp. 126-136.

Mojsilović N.: "external page Masonry elements with damp-proof course membrane: Assessment of shear strength parameters", Construction and Building Materials, 35, 2012, pp. 1002-1012.

Mojsilović N.: "external page Masonry elements with chases: Behaviour under compression", Construction and Building Materials, 25 (12), 2011, pp. 4415-4425.

Mojsilović N.: "external page Tensile strength of clay blocks: An experimental study", Construction and Building Materials, 25 (11), 2011, pp. 4156-4164.

Mojsilović N.: "external page Strength of masonry subjected to in-plane loading: A contribution", International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (6), 2011, pp. 865-873.

Mojsilović N., G. Simundic and A.W. Page: "external page Masonry wallettes with damp-proof course membrane subjected to cyclic shear: An experimental study", Construction and Building Materials 24 (11), 2010, pp. 2135-2144.

Foster S.J., P. Marti and N. Mojsilović: "external page Design of Reinforced Concrete Solids using Stress Analysis", The American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, Vol. 100, No. 6, November-December 2003, pp. 758-764.

Mojsilović N. and P. Marti: "external page Load Tests on Post-Tensioned Masonry Walls", The Masonry Society Journal, V. 18, No. 1, July 2000, pp. 65-70.

Mojsilović N. and P. Marti: "external page Strength of Masonry Subjected to Combined Loads", The American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, Vol. 94, No. 6, November 1997, pp. 633-642.

Mojsilović N. and A. Pavic: "Download Prilog analizi betonskih mostova gradjenih sukcesivnim potiskivanjem (A Contribution to the Analysis of Incrementally Launched Bridges) (PDF, 21 KB)", Journal "Nase Gradjevinarstvo", No. 6-7, Beograd, 1989, pp. 516-523.

Mojsilović N.: "Download Prilog analizi betonskih mostova sa kosim kablovima (A Contribution to the Analysis of Concrete Cable-Stayed Bridges) (PDF, 23 KB)", Journal "Izgradnja", No. 6., Beograd, Jun 1989, pp. 18-23.

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